27 Feb 2010

“You cannot negotiate with these people and expect rational discussion”

Although I appreciate you may not like "the system", and shouting may be good for the short term, the only way we believe to change things is to use the system.  By "use", we mean understand, consider and anticipate the way "it" works. 

This means acting like a solicitor, as you say, LISTENING to what people think is wrong with "the system" and then respond in a meaningful and structured way.

Our stated activity at the moment is assessing the state of UK & EU law.  This is no easy task and is taking time.  However, where we see a distinct area we can make a positive and constructive change, we formulate policy and strategy to overcome these obstacles.

It may sound like "lawyer" or "politician speak" - and that is EXACTLY what we're aiming for.  We want to be able to accurately oppose the current situation and argue the case for NRP's, and we do understand that some other groups do not agree with our methods.  The more fronts that we can make public and loud, the better - but again, these are OUR methods, and we think they will have an impact on the overall situation suffered by Non Resident Parents.

Some of these routes include taking part in the current review of Family Law (please see both details of the review at http://www.justice.gov.uk/news/newsrelease200110a.htm and the Government Green Paper at http://publications.dcsf.gov.uk/eOrderingDownload/CM-7787.pdf )

We believe that getting involved in the creation, amendment and repeal of legislation is the best way to improve the situation and increase equality for Non Resident Parents in a currently unfair, unjust and plainly biased system.

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